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Appeal to the CICA

In a revealing new report covered by the Law Gazette, a significant disparity has been uncovered in the compensation awarded to victims who appeal their initial settlements. The article, titled “Compensation Scheme Pays Out Six Times More to Victims Who Appeal,” delves into the intricacies of the compensation scheme and the notable impact of appealing an award offer.

The article sheds light on the often complex journey victims undergo while seeking fair compensation for their losses. It uncovers the stark contrast in the amounts initially awarded versus what is eventually received after the appeals process. The findings are not only startling but also raise questions about the initial evaluation of claims and the effectiveness of the compensation system as a whole.

The article highlights the right to appeal and the process involved and the revelations in the article are a stark reminder of the importance of persistence and informed legal guidance in pursuing justice and fair compensation.

If you are considering appealing the offer you have received from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) then get in touch with us to see if we can assist and help you receive the award you are due.

  • Call Mike Massen on 0113 224 7804. We will listen in complete confidence and give you the best advice regarding the strength of your claim and how much you may be entitled to. We will answer all your questions so that you can decide if you want to proceed with your application to the CICA. If you do; we are here for you and can help.
  • Email your contact details with as much information as you want to give us, and we will call or email you; just let us know what works best for you. Email us at info@cica-criminal-injury.co.uk
  • Pop your details in the contact box at the bottom of this page and we will get back to you for a free, confidential chat to see how we can help you.

Your claim can be dealt with on a No Win-No Fee basis so you don’t have to worry about the cost of bringing a claim.

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