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News stories categorised as 'sexual abuse'

  • Victims of male rape (Added 15/06/15 )

    Please sign the petition to provide support to the victims of male rape and sexual assault.  

  • Claim against police for failure to investigate rape allegations (Added 22/05/15 )

    If you have been a victim of rape or sexual assault and you feel that the police authority have failed to act appropriately in investigating your claim or have dismissed your complaint without proper investigation then, if it can be more

  • Sexual abuse of disabled adults revealed. (Added 18/05/15 )

    The following article appeared on the BBC news website on 18th May 2015 Thousands of disabled adults across England have been sexually abused, figures obtained by the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme suggest. There were 4,748 reports of sexual abuse against more

  • Rape-Accused Libyan Soldiers Spotted On CCTV (Added 12/05/15 )


  • Common sense prevails in historic sexual abuse case (Added 30/10/13 )

    A rejection of a claim due to delay in reporting in a historical sexual abuse has been overturned and compensation awarded. Victim of child sex abuse wins legal battle over compensation claim Source STV 29 October 2013 13:40 GMT Compensation: more